Alice in Wonderland
The exam is now over. I have to say, I thought that the test was fair and that we were well prepared for it. I think that every course should have review sessions like we had on Tuesday. That was helpful in weeding out the most "important" ideas for us.
I started reading Alice in Wonderland on Monday evening. I have never read the book before, however, I haeve seen two or three movie versions; some more faithful than others. Initial impression : fun! It's a really fast read but I'm enjoying it. I chuckle at least once every few pages.
Alice is an interesting character. It seems that most of her time in her "real" life is occupied by studying lessons, or I suppose listening to lessons. Oddly, enough, she's not very bright. Alice is the queen of the logocentric. I think that Carroll, through making Alice a very black and white/ wrong and right person, is commenting on what his society was teaching kids. As we see with the Duchess in during the croquet match, morals abound but they are of no use or real meaning. What's the point of teaching them then? Isn't the experience much more interesting.
I also love Alice's honesty. On page twelve Alice decides that she gives herself very good advice, though she very seldom follows it. She also puinshes herself when she does something that she knows was "wrong". That's not a very healthy message to send to children. "Dwell on your faults; it will serve you well".
There's much more to say about Alice. Unfortunately, it will have to wait for another day. But, in the meantime.... Here's a good site for some interpretations and basic info on the text and its pictures, etc. There's some interesting stuff there so check it out.
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