Questions we have to ask ourselves...
This is a letter to the editor from my hometown newspaper (the Fairbanks, Alaska Daily News Miner) that I found among old high school papers. What do we think?
Anything safe?
Nov 12, 1999
To the editor:
Is there anything safe to read that does not offend someone? As time passes, I become more bewildered and in doubt. As a child I enjoyed these stories and as a parent I shared them with my children, now I'm not sure it was a good idea. Our favorite characters and the bad habits they promoted could cause all the crime and violence we have today.
Our favorites were: "William Tell" 9child endangerment); "Three Little Pigs" (poor planning and faulty construction); "Robin Hood" (poaching is justified if you have a band of merry men); "Humpty Dumpty" (seek unqualified medical help); "Jack Horner" (unsanitary eating habits); "Jack and Jill" (possible mischif); "Little Red Riding Hood" (vigilantism); "Sleeping Beauty" (unsolicited sex); "Cinderella" (disobediance to parents); Sherlock Holmes (promotes smoking; Santa Claus (breaking and entering and slavery).
Is it any wonder we have an uncontrollable society today? As a responsible parent and citizen can we continue to read and teach our children these kinds of stories? I think not! This looks like a job for "Super Legislator."
Unralistically yours,
Donald Adams
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