Mythos vs. Logos
You know what's sad? I love the mythos side of life. Fiction, fun, fantasy, myth. Those kind of other-world stories are my favorite to read. The sad part is, I'm immersed in such a "logocentric" world. Academia is all about facts (with the exception of some literature classes, thank goodness) and sadly, I think that although I love the mythos, I am more comfortable in logos. Logos to me represents "the box" that we are always being told to think outside. Why? I am perfectly happy inside the box looking at facts and occasionaly peeking my head out to go out on a limb or two. I wish I wasn't so logos. I'll have to work on my ability to be worry free and adventurous this semester. It'll be good for me in the long run. :O)
Until Later...Cheers!
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