Friday, February 04, 2005


I was reading Sophie's journal and I checked out the other top 100 lists that she had linked there. I think it's really interesting to think about the reasons why our book list is so drastically different from Harvard's and why Harvard's is so different from the BBC's. Only one of the 4 lists I looked at included any of the ancient Greeks and that was the list by the Harvard Bookstore and all it included was the Aeneid and Iliad. There was no mention in any of the others about Sophocles, Aeschulys, or Homer's Odyssey. I find that strange. Also, Shakespeare was only included in one list and ONLY Henry IV was listed; none mentioned the Bible. Finnegan's Wake was 77 on the Modern Library's "Board" list. The "Readers" list did not include it at all. I think that Ulysses is the only piece that is on every list as well as ours. I find it fascinating that our version of the "Top" books is so different from other communities around the world. Why is Finnegan's Wake in our top 10 when only one other list deems it worthy to even be included? And why does every other list but ours include The Heart is a Lonley Hunter by McCullers and Huxley's Brave New World? I suppose that these are questions that really can't be answered, but, I think that they are interesting to ponder anyway. I think that as I become more connected with our Top100 through my memorization I will begin to see changes that I would like to make to our list.


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