Saturday, November 13, 2004

Finnegan's Wake Memorization

I picked my piece to moemorize a long time ago, but I had not sarted to memorize it by our last class period. Here's what I'm doing though, it's on page 418:

The thing pleased him andt, and andt,
He larved ond he larved on he merd such a nauses
The Gracehoper fered he would mixplace his fauces.
I forgive you, grondt Ondt, said the Gracehoper, weeping,
For the sukes of the sakes you are safe in whose keeping.
Teach Floh and Luse polkas, show Bienie where's sweet
And be sure Vespatilla fines fat ones to heat.
As I once played the piper I must now pay the count
So saida to Moyhammlet and marhaba to your Mount!
Let who likes Lump above so what flies be full 'un;
I could not feel moregruggy if this was prompollen.
I pick up your reproof, the horsegift of a friend,
For the prize of your save is the price of my spend.
Can castwhores pulladeftkiss if old pollocks forsake 'em
Or Culex feel etchy if Pulex don't wake him?
A locus to loue, a term it t'embarass,
These twain are the twins that tick Homo Vulgaris.
Has Aquileone nort winged to go syf
Since the Gwyfyn we were in his farrest drewbryf
And that Accident Man not beseeked where his story ends
Since longsephyring sighs sought heartseast for their orience?
We are Wastenot with Want, precondemed, two and true,
Till Nolans go volants adn Bruneyes come blue.
Ere those gidflirts now gadding you quit your mocks from my gropes
An extense must impull, an elapse must elopes,
Of my tectucs takestock, tinktact, and ail's weal;
As I view by your farlook hale yourself to my heal.
Partiprise my thinwhims whils my blink points unbroken on
Your whole's whercabroads with Tout's trightyright token on.
My in risibke universe youdly haud find
Sulch oxtrabeeforeness meat soveal behind.
Your feats and enormous, your volumes immense,
(May the Graces I hoped for sing your Ondtship song sense!),
Your genius its worldwide, your spacest sublime!
But, Holy Samltmartin, hwy can't you beat time?

In the name of the former and of the latter and of their holocaust. Allmen.

I don't know if I'm doing all of it, only the first half, or only the second half.... For some reason the second half seems to be sticking better. It's way over ten lines though so we'll see what I do. :O)


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