Saturday, April 23, 2005

Read Other entries!

It's weird that I'm writing this entry becuase it is assuming that people are reading my posts....anyhow. I've just made my weekly (or bi-monthly) journey through each journal for this class and I am quite impressed by the entries! Kristi's site has some great insights. I have especialy enjoyed her short response to "Hotel Rwanda" and her entry "African Time". Allison's entries are always entertaining. Valerie and Hanna are doing cool things, too. Really, I know it takes awhile to read every person's journal, but it's worth it. I come away with a new idea everytime.


Blogger Tristan Vick said...

Also, I still Blog too Jennie! I did change my address though, it's now:

Tristan Vick

9:44 PM  

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